/  Rosario - Santa Fe - Argentina




Prof. Dr. Hugo Tanno

Profesor Titular de la Cátedra de Gastroenterología y Hepatología. Hospital Provincial del Centenario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Director de la Carrera de Post-Grado en Gastroenterología. Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Miembro correspondiente Nacional de la Academia de Medicina de Buenos Aires

Ex - Presidente de la Asociación Latinoamericana para el Estudio de las Enfermedades del Hígado.




Hepatitis C: Cambios potenciales del esquema actual de tratamiento

Prof. Dr. Hugo Tanno


  1. Hoofnagle JH, Mullen KD, Jones DB, et al. Treatment of chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis with recombinant human alpha interferon. N.Engl.J.Med 1986; 315: 1575-1578.

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  3. Poynard T, Leroy V, Cohard M, et al. Meta-analysis of interferon randomized trials in the treatment of viral hepatitis C : effects of dose and duration. Hepatology 1996; 24: 778-789.

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  6. Manns MP, McHutchison JG, Gordon SC, et al. Peginterferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin compared with interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin for initial treatment of chronic hepatitis C : a randomized trial. Lancet 2001; 358: 958-965.

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  9. Buti M, San Miguel R, Brosa M, et al. Estimating the impact of hepatitis C virus therapy on future liver-related morbidity, mortality and costs related to chronic hepatitis C. J.Hepatol 2005; 42: 639-645.

  10. Layden-Almer JE, Layden TJ. Viral kinetics in hepatitis C virus : special patient populations. Semin Liver Dis 2003; 23(Suppl.1): 29-33.

  11. Layden-Almer JE, Ribeiro RM, Wiley T, Perelson AS, Layden TJ. Viral dynamics and response differences in HCV- infected African American and white patients treated with IFN and ribavirin. Hepatology 2003; 37: 1343-1350.

  12. Davis GL. Monitoring of viral levels during therapy of hepatitis C. Hepatology 2002; 36: S145-S151.

  13. Ferenci P. Predictors of response to therapy for chronic hepatitis C. Sem.L.Dis 2004; 24 (Suppl.2): 25-31.

  14. Davis GL, Lau JY. Factors predictive of a beneficial response to therapy of hepatitis C. Hepatology 1997; 26: 122S-127S.

  15. Poynard T, McHutchison J, Goodman Z, et al. Is an a la carte combination interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin regimen possible for the first line treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis C ? Hepatology 2000; 31: 211-218.

  16. Lee SS, Heathcote EJ, Reddy KR, et al. Prognostic factors and early predictability of sustained viral response with peginterferon alpha-2a (40 KD). J.Hepatol 2002; 37: 500-506.

  17. Pawlotsky JM. Mechanism of antiviral treatment efficacy and failure in chronic hepatitis C. Antiviral Res 2003; 59: 1-11.

  18. Farci P, Strazzera R, Alter HJ, et al. Early changes in hepatitis C viral quasispecies during interferon therapy predict the therapeutic outcome. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci USA 2002; 99: 3081-3086.

  19. Rubbia-Brandt L, Giostra E, Mentha G, Quadri R, negro F. Expression of liver steatosis in hepatitis C virus infection and pattern of response to alpha interferon. J.Hepatol 2001; 35: 307.

  20. Cacciola I, Pollicino T, Squadrito G, et al. Occult hepatitis B virus infection in patients with chronic hepatitis C liver disease. N.Engl.J.Med 1999; 341: 22-26.

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  22. Bekkering FC, Brouwer JT, Leroux-Roels G, et al. Ultra rapid hepatitis C virus clearance by daily high-dose interferon in non-responders to standard therapy. J. Hepatol 1998; 28: 960-964.

  23. Neumann AU, Lam NP, Dahari H, et al. Hepatitis C viral dynamics in vivo and the antiviral efficacy of interferon-alpha therapy. Science 1998; 282: 103-107.

  24. Neumann AU, Lam NP, Dahari H, et al. Differences in viral dynamics between genotypes 1 and 2 of Hepatitis C virus.J. Infect Dis 2000; 182: 28-35.

  25. Zeuzem S, Herrmann E, Lee JH, et al. Viral kinetics in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with standard or peginterferon alpha 2a. Gastroenterology 2001; 120: 1438-1447.

  26. Pawlotsky JM. Current and future concepts in hepatitis C therapy.Sem.L.Dis 2005 ; 25 :72-83.

  27. Moreaux X, Poggi C, Chollet L, et al. Eradication du virus de l’hepatite C après 3 mois de traitement par interféron alpha pour une hépatite chronique virale C (letter). Gastroenterol Clin Biol 2001 ; 25 : 715-716.

  28. Hrycewycz N, Sandres K, Barangue K, et al. Guérison d’une hépatite chronique virale C chez un malade non répondeur à l’interféron alpha 2b, après 3 mois de traitement par l’association interféron alpha 2b et ribavirine (letter). Gastroenterol Clin Biol 2001 ; 25 : 1041-1042.

  29. Nousbaum JB, Cadranel JF, Savary O, et al. Sustained virological response after a short course of treatment with interferon and ribavirin in two chronic hepatitis C patients. J.Hepatol 2003; 39: 655-659.

  30. Ferenci P. Predicting the therapeutic response in patients with chronic hepatitis C: the role of viral kinetic studies. J.Antimicrob Chemother 2004; 53: 15-18.

  31. Ferenci P, Fried MW, Shiffman ML, et al. Predicting sustained virological responses in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD)/ ribavirin. J.Hepatol 2005; 43: 425-433.

  32. Dalgard O, Bjoro K, Hellum KB, et al. Treatment with pegylated interferon and ribavirin in HCV infection with genotype 2 or 3 for 14 weeks : a pilot study. Hepatology 2004; 40: 1260-5.

  33. Mangia A, Santoro R, Minerva N, et al. Peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin for 12 vs.24 weeks in HCV genotype 2 or 3. N.Engl J.Med 2005; 352: 2609-17.

  34. Zeuzem S, Hulterantz R, Bourliere M, et al. Peginterferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin for treatment of chronic hepatitis C in previously untreated patients infected with HCV genotypes 2 or 3. J.Hepatol 2004; 40: 993-9.

  35. Zeuzem S, Buti M, Ferenci P, et al. Efficacy of 24 weeks treatment with peginterferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C infected with genotype 1 and low pretreatment viremia. J.Hepatol 2006; 44: 97-103.

  36. Zeuzem S, Pawlotsky JM, Lukasiewicz E, et al. International, multicenter, randomized, controlled study comparing dynamically individualized versus standard treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis C. J.Hepatol 2005; 43:250-257.

  37. Craxi A, Camma C. Treating patients with HCV genotype 1 and low viraemia: More than meets the eye. J.Hepatol 2006; 44: 4-7.


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