/  Rosario - Santa Fe - Argentina




Prof. Adj. Dr. Reynaldo E. Menichini

Profesor adjunto de Neurología. Escuela de Medicina. Facultad de Cs. Médicas. UNR.
Subdirector Carrera de especialización en Neurología. UNR.
Ex-profesor titular de Neurología. Universidad Abierta Interamericana.
Jefe del departamento de Neurología. Sanatorio Británico.



Dra. María Laura Menichini

Médica neuróloga Sanatorio Británico.
Médica neuróloga Instituto de Neurociencias de Rosario.
Médica neuróloga Instituto CAICI.



Fecha de recepción: 25/10/2008
Fecha de aceptación: 05/11/2008



Esclerosis múltiple

Prof. Adj. Dr. Reynaldo E. Menichini y Dra. María Laura Menichini



1.     Bar-Or, Amit. Inmunology of multiple sclerosis. Neurologic Clinics 2005, Vol. 23 (1):149-176.

2.     Biogen Idec and Elan. Selective adhesion molecule (SAM) inhibitors in CNS demyelinating disorders-Mechanism of action. CD-ROM 2007.

3.     Biogen Idec. The proposed role of the Nrf2 pathway in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. DVD. 2009.

4.     Biogen Idec. MS pathology and interferon beta. Digital animation. DVD. 2009.

5.     Birnbaum, Albert et al. Combining beta interferon and atorvastatin may increase disease activity in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 2008,71;18:1390-1395.

6.     Burt, R. K. et al. Autologous non-myeloablative haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a phase I/II study. Lancet Neurology 2009; 8:244-254.

7.     Correale, Jorge y Garcea, Orlando. Futuras alternativas de tratamiento.

8.     En: Esclerosis múltiple. Conceptos básicos y clínicos: 351-365. Editorial Dunken 2008.

9.     Coles, Alastair et al. Alemtuzumab vs. Interferon Beta-1a in early multiple sclerosis. The CAMMS223 Trial Investigator. N. Engl. J. Med 2008;359:1786-801.

10.   Cree, Bruce. Current therapies and role of emerging small-molecule therapies in MS-Evolving strategies. www.clinicianschannel/cmscwebcast

11.   Durelli, Luca et al. Inmunomodulatory agents in multiple sclerosis: clinical trials and therapy. Medlink Neurology 2007.

12.   EMD Serono. Inmune system abnormalities implicated in relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. The role of T and B cells. DVD. 2009.

13.   Frohman, Elliot et al. Inmunologic Mechanisms of multiple sclerosis. Neuroimaging Clinics 2008. Vol. 18 (4): 577-588.

14.   Gauthier, Susan et al. Inmunosuppresive therapy for multiple sclerosis. Neurologic Clinics 2005. Vol. 23 (1): 247-272.

15.   Giovannoni, Gavin et al. Results from the CLARITY study: A phase III, randomized, double-blind study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of oral Cladribine  in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). 61th Annual Meeting of the AAN. 2009. Seattle. Washington. USA.

16.   Hauser, Stephen et al. B-cell depletion with rituximab in relapsing-remiting multiple sclerosis. New. Engl. J. Med. 2008, 358;7: 676-688.

17.   Havrdova,Eva et al. Effect of Natalizumab on clinical and radiological disease activity in multiple sclerosis: a retrospective analysis of the Natalizumab safety and efficacy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (AFFIRM) study. Lancet Neurology 2009;8:254-60.

18.   Hawker, K et al. Efficacy and safety of rituximab in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis(PPMS): Results of a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled multicenter trial. Neurology 2009;72:A254

19.   Kappos, Ludwig. Interferons in multiple sclerosis. Neurologic Clinics 2005.Vol.23 (1):189-214.

20.   Lassmann, Hans. The pathologic substrate of magnetic resonance alterations in multiple sclerosis. Neuroimaging Clinics 2008. V0l.18 (4):563-576

21.   Lauger, Bruno et al. The mechanism of action behind the lymphocyte-depleting and inmunomodulatory effects of Cladribine. Poster 108. 61th Annual Meeting of the AAN. 2009. Seattle. Washington. USA.

22.   Lucchinetti, Claudia. Advances in the neuropathology of MS. Evolving pathogenic insights. Continuum 2007,Vol.13 (5):86-116.

23.   Metha, Lahar et al. Disease Modifyng therapies. Continuum 2007,Vol.13 (5):144-180.

24.   Metz, Luanne, et al. Mynocicline reduces gadolinium-nehancing magnetis resonance imaging lesions in multiple sclerosis. Ann. Neurol. 2004. Vol.55 (5):756.

25.   Miller, Aaron. Glatiramer acetate in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Neurologic Clinics 2005. Vol. 23 (1): 215-232.

26.   Miller, Aaron. Emerging MS therapies in trial and development. 60th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Chicago 2009.

27.   Naismith, Robert et al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of MS. Continuum 2007,Vol.13 (5):144-180.

28.   Rose, John et al. Pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Continuum 2007,Vol.13 (5):35-62.

29.   Rudick, Richard et al. Natalizumab plus interferon beta-1a for relapsing remiting multiple sclerosis. New Engl. J. Med. 2006, 354:911-923.

30.   Sheridan, James et al. Daclizumab treatment reduces activated T cells: results from the CHOICE multiple sclerosis study. Poster 107. 61th Annual Meeting of the AAN. 2009. Seattle, Washington. USA.

31.   Viglietta, V. et al. CTLA-4Ig treatment in patients with múltiple sclerosis. An open-label, phase 1 clinical trial. Neurology 2008, 71;12: 917-924.

32.   Ursell, Melanie and O’Connor, Paul. Natalizumab and other monoclonal antibodies. Neurologic Clinics 2005. Vol. 23 (1): 232-246.

33.   Wingerchuk, Dean. Rational therapeutic  strategies for multiple sclerosis. 60th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Chicago 2008.


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Facultad de Ciencias Médicas - Universidad Nacional de Rosario
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  Sitio web desarrollado por los Dres. Ramón Ferro y Roberto Parodi